Union européenne des fédéralistes (Nombre de entidad)
- Union of European Federalists
- Union des fédéralistes européens
- Union der Europäischen Föderalisten
- European Federalists' Union
- Union européen des fédéralistes
- Movimento federalisto europeo
- Uniunea Europeană a Federaliștilor
WWW federalists.eu, 01/07/2019 : (The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a pan-European, non-governmental political organisation dedicated to the promotion of European political unity. It was founded shortly after World War II, in the belief that only by uniting into a European Federation could the states of Europe overcome the divisions of the past and ensure a future of peace and economic prosperity. Throughout the past 70 years we have been a leading voice in the promotion of European unity and an early campaigner for key milestones in the development of the European Communities and then the European Union)
For a Federal Europe : sovereign, democrativa and social : manifesto for the European Parliament elections, 2019 : (Union of European Federalists)
WWW LC auth., 01/06/2019 : (Union européenne des fédéralistes)