Regulations for the administration of justice in the courts / of Mofussil Dewannee Adaulut and in the Suddur Dewannee Adaulut passed in Council the 5th of July 1781

Contributor(s): Adaulut, Mofussil Dewannee | Adaulut, Suddur Dewannee [, trad.] | Hon'ble Company's Press [, imp.]Language: English Publication details: Calcutta : at the Hon'ble Company's Press , 1781 Description: 73, [94] p. ; 4ºSubject(s): Sistema judicial | Legislación | S. XIX | Fondo antiguo | India
Item type Current library Call number Status Date due Barcode
Fondo Antiguo Fondo Antiguo Biblioteca Central del MAEC
Fondo Antiguo
FA0953 No prestable 1014375

Sign.: [A]-I\p4\s, K\p2\s, []\p47\s

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