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Nordic security in the 1990s : options in the changing Europe / edited by Jan Oberg

Contributor(s): Oberg, JanPublication details: London : Pinter Publishers , 1992 Description: VIII, 325 p. ; 24 cmISBN: 0-86187-080-8Subject(s): Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte | Seguridad internacional | Desarme | Historia de Europa | Armamento | S. XX | Islandia | Dinamarca | Suecia | Noruega | Finlandia
Contiene: Introduction : Norden in Europe 1990-1991 ; Norden in the Cold War reality ; Norden as a mystery, framing nordic security european scenario for the 1990s and beyond ; From confederation to federation consequences for european security ; Arms control and disarmament in Europe ; Norden rearticulated
Item type Current library Call number Status Date due Barcode
Monografías Monografías Biblioteca Central del MAEC
33013 Available 1010239

Contiene: Introduction : Norden in Europe 1990-1991 ; Norden in the Cold War reality ; Norden as a mystery, framing nordic security european scenario for the 1990s and beyond ; From confederation to federation consequences for european security ; Arms control and disarmament in Europe ; Norden rearticulated

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