A dictionary of the English language : in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers ... / by Samuel Johnson In two volumes

By: Johnson, SamuelContributor(s): Strahan, William, (fl. 1767-1784) [, imp.]Publication details: London : Printed by Strahan , 1773 Edition: The Fourth Edition, Revised by the AuthorDescription: 2 v. ; FolSubject(s): Lengua inglesa | Diccionario | Fondo antiguo
Item type Current library Call number Vol info Status Date due Barcode
Monografías Monografías Biblioteca Central del MAEC
GF0176 (v.1) No prestable 1044270
Monografías Monografías Biblioteca Central del MAEC
GF0177 (v.2) No prestable 1044271

Sign.: []\p1\s, [A]-Z\p2\s, 2A-2Z\p2\s, 3A-3Z\p2\s, 4A-4Z\p2\s, 5A-5Z\p2\s, 6A-6Z\p2\s, 7A-7Z\p2\s, 8A-8Z\p2\s, 9A-9Z\p2\s, 10A-10Z\p2\s, 11A-11Z\p2\s, 12A-12Z\p2\s, 13A\p1\s ; 15A-15Z\p2\s, 16A-16Z\p2\s, 17A-17Z\p2\s, 18A-18Z\p2\s, 19A-19Z\p2\s, 20A-20Z\p2\s, 21A-21Z\p2\s, 22A-22Z\p2\s, 23A-23Z\p2\s, 24A-24Z\p2\s, 25A-25Z\p2\s, 26A-26Z\p2\s, 27A-27Z\p2\s, 28A-28Z\p2\s, 29A-29Z\p2\s, 30A-30Z\p2\s, 31A-31C\p2\s, 31D\p3\s

Port. a dos tintas

Texto a dos col.

Vol. I (1106 p.) -- vol. II (1397 p.)

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